An assignment for you, {first_name}Studying processes


The purpose of this exercise is to improve studying processes in your HEI.


The problem and the context 

Imagine you are in the role of the person who wants to improve studying processes your organization. Your task is to analyze existing situation and propose improvements.

Your task

Think about the following topics and prepare a short report:

1. Topic 1: Studying processes – general overview

  • Are there the same groups of Studying processes in your HEI? If no, please describe what kind of differences there are? How are you personally related with Studying processes in your HEI?
  • To which Studying processes your HEI pays the highest attention? Are these processes strictly documented?
  • Which processes could be improved in your HEI? Please shortly describe how?

2. Topic 2: Studying processes – the motivation

  • Which methods are used to motivate students in your HEI? Could you give some examples?  Are the motivation activities included in the studying processes?

3. Topic 3: Studying processes – key performance indicators

  • Is your HEI facing with decreasing number of applicants/students? What the HEI could do to increase it? Does the number of applicants/students depend only on the HEI?


Depends greatly on your previous experiences (60-120 minutes). 


Previous learning materials (+ additional readings), your organization's activities, experiences.


A PowerPoint report.

Please prepare the assignment using PowerPoint template which is under the Files.

Each question should be answered on one slide or more. Add additional explanation to student notes under the slide to keep slides clutter-free.

Grading scheme

When you submit an exercise, the instructor will review it and send you the comments.

Possible results of the exercise review:



Student’s action



No changes needed

Partially passed


Minor changes needed

Not passed


Major changes needed, e.g. change of the domain, or starting exercise from scratch.


Please read the assignment instructions and upload your result (.PPTX or .zip file). See the upload link at the bottom of the page.